Verona, Arena di Verona, Trauer um Franco Zeffirelli, IOCO Aktuell, 19.06.2019

Verona, Arena di Verona, Trauer um Franco Zeffirelli, IOCO Aktuell, 19.06.2019

Arena di Verona

Arena di Verona / Festspiele 2018 - hier : Nabucco © Ennevi
Arena di Verona / Festspiele 2018 - hier : Nabucco © Ennevi



The tragic news of the death of Maestro Zeffirelli, a creator of dreams, arrived today at Fondazione Arena di Verona while the definitive preparations feverishly continue for the dress rehearsal of his latest eagerly awaited Traviata, which is debuting on 21st June with the participation (already announced, but now even more significant) of Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella.

HIER: Würdigung von Franco Zeffirelli der Fondazione Arena di Verona 

General Manager and Artistic Director Cecilia Gasdia, a friend of Zeffirelli since her stage debut at a very young age, was taken by surprise on a really intense day and, on behalf of all the artistes, employees and administrative staff of the Fondazione, states: “We all loved him unconditionally, he left an indelible mark on our professional and personal lives. We would all like to have the time to stop and freely mourn the man, the artiste and the friend, but if we really want to honour him as he deserves, this is a luxury we must not and cannot allow ourselves: we shall mourn him working at our best, with our utmost strength, to honour his genius, so that his latest Traviata, but also his Trovatore, shine and contribute to the future memory of his irreplaceable genius. We have the means and his imprimatur too, because Traviata comes from afar, with a year’s intense work, in which every detail and every particular was shared with his long-lasting assistants and collaborators at the Fondazione Arena, who absorbed his way of thinking. After this rightful tribute is finished, we shall finally be able to give vent to our interior feelings and mourn him. Now we must continue to work for him, even if, unfortunately, without him.”

Arena di Verona / Franco Zeffirelli zu seiner Trovatore Produktion © FAI
Arena di Verona / Franco Zeffirelli zu seiner Trovatore Produktion © FAI

The entire city of Verona mourns the passing of the Maestro, because his touch is strongly felt in the urban and social fabric of the city, which considered him a friend and accomplice of numerous summers.

---| Pressemeldung Fondazione Arena di Verona |---

Arena di Verona / Franco Zeffirelli © Ennevi
Arena di Verona / Franco Zeffirelli © Ennevi

Arena di Verona 2019 - La Traviata  - Zeffirellis letztes Werk

Summa der ästhetischen Auffassung der Legende Franco Zeffirelli

Lang gehegte  Liebschaften, sollten endlich zusammenkommen: La Traviata, Franco Zeffirelli und die Arena von Verona. La Traviata ist mit Sicherheit eine der von Zeffirelli in seiner langen Karriere als Regisseur, Bühnen- und Kostümbildner am häufigsten dargestellten Opern; 1958 hatte er diese Oper in Dallas in der Besetzung von Maria Callas inszeniert und sich als junger aufstrebender Regisseur mit seinem künstlerischen Vorbild Visconti gemessen, der die Oper kurz vorher in der berühmten Gestaltung an der Mailänder Scala dargestellt hatte. Das 97. Opernfestival der Arena di Verona, link HIER; wird am 21. Juni 2019 mit einer neuen, von Franco Zeffirelli geschaffenen Inszenierung von Verdis La Traviata beginnen, bestmögliche Synthese seiner jahrelangen Reflexionen über die beliebte Thematik. “Seine” Traviata in der Arena sollte zum Höhepunkt seiner fortwährenden, sachkundigen Auslegung werden.


Franco Zeffirelli wird der Premiere von La Traviata, seiner letzten Schöpfung, nicht mehr erleben

---| IOCO Aktuell Fondazione Arena di Verona |---

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